
Customer Testimonials

At PowerFlow Solutions we take pride in our products and are extremely happy that our focus on quality and service is appreciated by our clients. PowerFlow’s document management software (DMS) has helped organize, streamline and automate operations for businesses and organizations in countless industries. Don’t just take our word for it, read what some of our customers have to say about PowerFlow and how it has improved their daily operations.

Here is what some of PowerFlow’s satisfied customers are saying:

Car Craft - General Manager

After using PowerFlow for close to a month I felt compelled to drop you a line and thank you for revolutionizing our business with such a great and innovative product. Everything about PowerFlow and the service received from your company has absolutely exceeded our expectations. The level of professionalism that your team showed during development and customization to fit our company needs, delivery, and training was unparalleled.

After implementation of the software, it became immediately apparent to me how this would change the face of how we do business. My staff adapted quickly to the no-nonsense, easy to use, "button-less" software without a hitch. I'm amazed each day at the comments I overhear from Chloe, George, Ben and Melissa. Simple 10-minute tasks such as filling out repair order jackets, organizing all the paperwork that goes in them, and storing the jacket in the appropriate spot on our wall rack now takes less than four or five minutes. In addition to increased productivity, we immediately decreased the amount of printing we do by at least 80%.

I feel we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg on potential with PowerFlow at Car Craft. The longer we use it, the more each person understands how it can positively affect their job and we are constantly changing our procedures to accommodate this. Your crawl, walk, run, sprint approach is dead on as it takes a very short time to realize the true benefits of how it can help us. We are ready now to move on to the next phase and get rid of our "skinny" files and go completely paperless. I'll keep you posted on progress and I know you and Eric will be there for any issues or support we may need. Thanks again for everything.

Manager - Glendale Chrysler

We were using Reynolds & Reynolds as our accounting system. They had a scanning piece that was very primitive. About a year ago, we stopped using R&R and needed a document management system to handle the storage of our repair orders in the service department. We shopped several software solutions and decided on PowerFlow due to its simple user interface and proven track record. The ability to immediately retrieve the original service ticket for a customer is priceless.

We soon migrated PowerFlow to other departments at the dealership such as new car sales, purchase orders, and receivables.

In addition to storage benefits, we realized a convenience factor: you cannot put a dollar value on the value PowerFlow has had on our business relating to convenience and customer service. We are able to look up a customer's service record or sales documents real-time. There is no phone-tag: the records are available immediately, which greatly benefits our ability to serve and retain customers. Our sales staff is able to focus on the sale at hand rather than paper filing and retrieval.

In the auto dealer industry, security and privacy are very important. We no longer have to worry about sensitive information being lost or destroyed.

I love PowerFlow. PowerFlow is a vital part of our business and we would not be at our level of productivity without it.

Office Manager - RE/MAX Team

Consisting of five offices and some 125 agents in the St. Peters, Missouri area, RE/MAX Team's transition to full reliance on PowerFlow began tentatively: they initially maintained their paper sources in tandem with scanning documents into PowerFlow. Within months, they shredded the paper and kept everything in PowerFlow.
The RE/MAX Team Office Manager says, "We were understandably nervous about committing to a major change in our processes. But, PowerFlow was sensitive to our needs and provided both a sensible implementation process and a support system that carried us through the transition safe and sound."

The result?
RE/MAX Team is now virtually paperless, with most of the previously repetitive, time-consuming, and costly tasks only an inexpensive, quick key-click away.
Their savings in resource outlay translates to greater efficiency, better and quicker responsiveness to client needs, fewer errors, lower costs, and greater competitiveness.
It is a set of benefits that increases customer confidence, satisfaction, and value while positioning RE/MAX Team in the market lead.

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